Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Do’s And Dont’s On A First Date

So you’re going out on a first date or looking for someone better to finally settle down into a serious relationship (that will hopefully lead to marriage)? It’s normal to get excited especially if it’s a first meet up but before you got carried away with your emotion, you need to know these first date Do’s and Don’ts to ensure you are not only have a good time together but also get a second date, too.


Wear a good clothes

Girls, wear something that will make the guy see your natural beauty and boys wear neat and highlight your assets. Most importantly, be real, look your best and wear what makes you feel comfortable.

Call a friend before the date

Nervousness will surely happen on a first date. Call a friend or a family member to have some words of encouragement.

Be yourself

If there’s one thing that you have to be, that is to be yourself. Don’t try to be something you are not just to impress your date. Being yourself is your best asset. Besides, if he can’t accept you for who you are, you’ll be having a hard time dealing with him/her.

Show your interest

Don’t ever show that you’re not interested on your date. Listen closely to what he/she is trying to say, ask questions and talk about interesting topics.

Make an eye contact

You wouldn’t want your date to feel you’re not interested so make an eye contact and it will surely drive him/her crazy.

Be honest

The secret to a healthy and last relationship is honesty. However, honesty doesn’t mean you have to share your deepest and darkest secrets to them that early. It’s about being true to your feelings and thoughts than leading your date to his/her own assumptions.


Don’t expect too much

You will appreciate your date if you don’t expect them to be the way you want them to be. The lower expectations you have, the happier the first date will be.

Don’t talk too much

For safety purposes, don’t inform your date too much about yourself. Save that information when the times the foundation of trust and intimacy have been established.

Don’t drink too much on a date

One wine is enough. Don’t drink too much on a date to avoid unwanted occurrences. A drunken man/woman is not on their right state of mind and might do and say something strange and silly.

Don’t get too personal

It’s good to ask questions but don’t get too personal. Don’t ask him/her how many kids they want to have (Seriously, on a first date?) and their credit card limit. Take things slowly.

Don’t talk about your ex

If there’s one thing that will surely piss off your date, it will be you talking about your ex. Your date is not interested with your past; he/she is interested to you and the things that will happen after your first date.

Don’t talk about your weaknesses

To make a good impression, don’t talk about your weaknesses on a first date. People want to see the good in everyone so as your date. Show your date about your good qualifications but keep yourself grounded that you will not sound boastful.

At the end of the day, it’s all about treating your date how you’d like to be treated. Remember these dating etiquettes to make your first date memorable and one of a kind experience.

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Denmark – The People, Society, Culture And Etiquette

Denmark is a Scandinavian country located at the Northern part of Europe bordering Germany. Its capital is Copenhagen, has an approximate area of 16,639 sq miles and 5.65 million populations as of October 2014. Danish is Denmark’s national language. Some part of the country recognized German as their regional language particularly the regions closely located at the Germany while its 0.1% population speaks Greenlandic, an Inuit language.

Danish Characteristics

Denmark was once ranked as the happiest country in the world. This is due to their characteristics of being not judgmental to others and living the kind of life they want. Personal privacy is very important to them and it would be unethical for one to ask Danish about personal issues, salary or property. They don’t take things too seriously and they avoid getting into arguments, however they don’t want to be interrupted during a conversation. Moreover, the people are well involved into arts, sports and outdoor activities.

Danish Society And Culture

Denmark has a casual society where people are most likely relaxed and doesn't put too much emphasis on formality. They did not boast about their achievements and are more concerned about the needs of others. They are very particular with their history and cultural heritage and actively participating to any cultural events. Danes are not keen to arguments and they believe that there is a right approach for any circumstances. They expect one to be polite and humble. They have a standard culture called “Hygge” which is about gathering with good friends or love ones over good food and drinks.

Most families live peacefully in modern lifestyle and keep a happy family life and work. Denmark believes in the equality of all people and gives them their equal rights. Usually, men are the ones who handle the child’s care and upbringing although the household responsibilities are equally distributed. Women are well respected and have equal benefits as men. Because of being equal by law, men and women are highly independent with divided roles in the family in order to provide each and everyone’s needs. 

Danish Etiquette

When dealing with business meetings or proposals, punctuality, respect and honesty are so important to Danes. Their character is expressed in simple yet conservative dress code particularly to important business appointments. For ordinary events, casual clothing is preferred but women should also need to consider the conservative side.

Danes give high value to time and they considered each minute must be used productively and effectively. Always ensure to arrive on time or if not, send a notice as early as possible. If you are invited to someone’s occasion at home, get ready to bring some gifts for the hostess.  During the Danish meal, don’t start to eat until the host or hostess says, "Værsgo og spise" which means, "Come on and eat!" and when you are finished, don’t forget to say "Tak for mad” which means "Thank you for food".

So if your next vacation target is one of the happiest countries in the world – Denmark, learning this information is a good way to start.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dating Tips, Do’s And Don’ts And Important Facts About Danish Women

Just moved to Denmark? Good for you. Now take the energy and awareness with you to learn more about the place, the people and their culture. If you are a guy looking to date a Danish girl, make sure you know the Do’s and Don’ts and some important facts about dating the Danes.
1. Don’t think about telling them how much money you earn or how influential you are in your origin. They like guys with stable job but being too confident is extremely unappreciated.
2. While other countries are okay of starting a conversation with someone they don’t know. Dane girls are not too approachable especially to strangers. Don’t be surprised to be rejected if you attempt to talk to them. They are not just comfortable with strangers except with friends. If you want to get close with her, be friends with her circle of friends. Once you’re in, you can then do the next step. If you throw them the right lines, you are in a good start.
3. Watch closely their mixed signals. You can’t easily tell whether they are interested in you or just wanted to be friends. They flirt and show their compassion but definitely not the type of making a serious commitment in short term.
4. They are honest but not a fan of face to face confrontation. They don’t want to complicate things and they can handle arguments in a friendly way.
5. Danish women do not appreciate too much compliment. Just be yourself and if you want to impress them, talk in general with a twist of sense and humor.
6. In Denmark, women get the same respect as men. Due to their notable level of gender equality, both genders have equal responsibilities, rights and obligations to public life.
In physical aspects, women in Denmark are undoubtedly neat, sexy and possess a beautiful face. They have impressive blonde and black hair, bright eyes and delicate skin that will surely capture your curiosity and interest. Moreover, you will be amazed with how they maintain their beautiful figure from having a good breast, butt and legs. Despite of their beauties, they don’t use too much cosmetics and are not a fan of expensive clothes but they enjoy exploring the nature, love foods and do plenty of outdoor activities. In a nutshell, if you want them to be interested in you, be nice at all times, smile a lot and make sensible comments without being arrogant.

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