Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dating Tips, Do’s And Don’ts And Important Facts About Danish Women

Just moved to Denmark? Good for you. Now take the energy and awareness with you to learn more about the place, the people and their culture. If you are a guy looking to date a Danish girl, make sure you know the Do’s and Don’ts and some important facts about dating the Danes.
1. Don’t think about telling them how much money you earn or how influential you are in your origin. They like guys with stable job but being too confident is extremely unappreciated.
2. While other countries are okay of starting a conversation with someone they don’t know. Dane girls are not too approachable especially to strangers. Don’t be surprised to be rejected if you attempt to talk to them. They are not just comfortable with strangers except with friends. If you want to get close with her, be friends with her circle of friends. Once you’re in, you can then do the next step. If you throw them the right lines, you are in a good start.
3. Watch closely their mixed signals. You can’t easily tell whether they are interested in you or just wanted to be friends. They flirt and show their compassion but definitely not the type of making a serious commitment in short term.
4. They are honest but not a fan of face to face confrontation. They don’t want to complicate things and they can handle arguments in a friendly way.
5. Danish women do not appreciate too much compliment. Just be yourself and if you want to impress them, talk in general with a twist of sense and humor.
6. In Denmark, women get the same respect as men. Due to their notable level of gender equality, both genders have equal responsibilities, rights and obligations to public life.
In physical aspects, women in Denmark are undoubtedly neat, sexy and possess a beautiful face. They have impressive blonde and black hair, bright eyes and delicate skin that will surely capture your curiosity and interest. Moreover, you will be amazed with how they maintain their beautiful figure from having a good breast, butt and legs. Despite of their beauties, they don’t use too much cosmetics and are not a fan of expensive clothes but they enjoy exploring the nature, love foods and do plenty of outdoor activities. In a nutshell, if you want them to be interested in you, be nice at all times, smile a lot and make sensible comments without being arrogant.

Denmark Sex Dating